Physical health and brain health are inter-related. Brain health is health.

This Brain Fitness Checklist provides some suggestions to get you started and have been chosen because they have shown the biggest impact on improving a particular lifestyle factor. Identify one or two tips from the list to get started. Then slowly try new ones, as you work toward building brain healthy lifestyle habits.

Here are few ways to increase your General Health…

Start here:

Challenge yourself more:

  • Do not smoke or use tobacco products (vaping, chew, cigars).

  • Reduce your weight. Being more active and eating healthily to safely reduce weight.

  • Drink alcohol in moderation.

  • Get moving. Try yoga or tai chi. They can help with strength, flexibility, and balance which will help make completing daily activities less effortful.

  • Consult with your physician to evaluate the source of chronic pain that may be impacting your daily activities.

  • See Physical Exercise, Sleep, and Nutrition checklists for more positive lifestyle tips.

Tips for getting started

Brain health challenges in the “start here” section are designed to be implemented by anyone, and will be a great starting point, especially if you scored in the Could Improve or Need to Improve categories in a specific lifestyle factor. Other challenges might be a little harder to do. In fact, you might feel resistance about adopting them at first because you may know they will be difficult to maintain for a long time.

Once you have tried 2 or 3 successfully from the “start here” section, challenge yourself with the additional challenges below.



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